Creative Co-Labs Logo Design

Building part of a collaborative space's identity in a team environment.

... esp_flaming_box esp_bike_mural esp_flaming_box esp_wood_slice esp_astro esp_astro esp_wood_slice

Designing with the team in mind.

I learned about Creative Co-Labs just before my final semester at Austin Community College. I was immediately impressed with the idea of building a collaborative space where students of varying majors could come together and collaborate on a project. The opportunity to work on the same deliverables with a variety of people is an invaluable experience. I had heard through a visual communications staff member that not only would CCL need a logo but that they had reached out to the Design Studio Fall class to design it as a team, lucky for me, I was registered for that very course.

Working on a team would prove to be a significant challenge. Designers would need to be engaged and guided to create the scope of work at an acceptable quality level. Management would have to schedule and maintain work hours and responsibilities. A lot of these skillsets were new to this team and there were plenty of hurdles to cross ahead.

On team of eight colleagues, I would be given the position of Art Director. I started researching and early sketching immediately. In the next few days, I created a series of mood boards and concepts for the design team to begin working with. These concepts included the following:

Planets Align:
A space theme with planets/celestial figures coming together to form the logo much like the creatives of CCL come together to form great things.

Short Circuit:
Circuit boards and other elements of technology. Wires and electricity come together at soldered point and form the imagery of this concept.

Maps, geometric sans-serifs and vivid colors twist and turn, coming together at points to make this idea come to life.

The team ideated and creating initial discoveries for all three of the concepts, eventually refining a version of each of them for client revision. The client meeting was successful in that they liked every option and wanted to see combinations of a few. The team went back to the drawing board and began creating high fidelity deliverable that combined multiple concepts, we returned to the next meeting with a full identity presentation complete with mockups and color decisions. The client chose two designs at the end of that meeting, which we would refine once more before handing over our final round of designs. The client now has a number of variations to choose from, one or more of which will be the logo for the new Creative Co-Labs program at ACC.

About CCL

Creative Co-Labs Connect is a new tool for student-driven collaborations (co-labs) that cultivates partnerships across classes and many different departments, from Game Design to Drama. Students can post or find projects, ranging from screenplays to virtual reality projects.

With the new creative digital media center at the Highland Campus, an interdisciplinary Creative Collaborative Labs Network will bring together students/classes across as many as thirteen departments in the Arts & Digital Media & Communications Division (ADMC) and beyond through faculty, student, and community-driven collaborations.

This “Creative Co-Labs” program is currently being designed to evolve current connections and build rich new intersections across disciplines virtually and in designated physical labs/creative studios to promote, enhance, and support creative collaboration.

For example, imagine the final results of an interdisciplinary “co-lab” (re: collaboration) at its simplest between an RTF Filmmaking Class, a Technical Theater Set Design Class, and a Music Technology Production Class. Between class weeks 4-8, the technical theater class practices set building with a set for use on a film class project. During weeks 12-15, the music students work with the RTF students on music for the film. During these overlaps, students learn skills across disciplines while enhancing each individual class. More complex collaborations will lead to other forms of projects, such as transmedia stories which extend across classes or multidisciplinary work on a single immersive media extended reality project!

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